Friday, August 16, 2013

Map progress

So far I'm working on four maps...
My random traps map
My water park
Prison cell update and
Horse stables update.

I'm too lazy to do my signature today. Peace out everyone.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Geez its hard to do anything fancy on mobile!
Continuing on, probably no more fancy posties on this blog for a while, because SOMEONE decided it would be fun to damage our computers hard disk (how is it even possible to hack a hard disk?) 'Parrently its something on the physical hard disk, meaning unless a $100 bucks magically vaporizes in our hands, today and tommorow's tommorows' ain't gonna be happy.
I suggest looking up some stuff about it, and finding these "add blockers" which I'm sure you'll find very useful.
You should always be cautious on sites with adds. Some malicious crazies are out to hack your system, your accounts, and you're money.
(Ps. Sorry if anythings spelt awful,  my phone is messed up!

Malware is out to get you and your computer.
~KitKat the KittyCat

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I'm not dead!!!

I've been away for awhile!!! So since I wasn't allowed to bring any electronics(the horror!) to where I was, I haven't been posting at all!!! (duh!)
Well, I'm back!! I'm alive!!! Chibi spam!!!
More coming soon!!!
Peace peoples!!! ZERO ORT!!!

~Keep your head upon your shoulders,


Ebert cabin zero waste! Zero waste! Zero waste!! Oh yeah!!!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


How I look!
How I think I look!
How I wish I looked!

I  technically stole this twice, because I stole it from ELLIE VON SWEETZ who stole it from somebody else. So, double steal!

I'll be posting a bunch of maneating random chibis here from now on, created on Chibi maker!!

~Keep your head upon your shoulders,


Friday, May 17, 2013

Ellie Von Sweetz-A really awesome person

 Here's a link to my BFF's blog,
Who is a really awesome person who goes by Ellie Von Sweetz a fake name, (duh!) We're infact making a Dropbox together, where we plan to make a huge giant colossal map! (and some texture packs...)But anyways, visit thisamazingperson'sblogrightnowthisintsancenoexceptionsexceptperhapsifyou'reburningtoyourdeathinafire-  *inhale*
And of course, I probably should've given this link earlier, to the creator of SurvivalCraft's blog,
I would say, "As my friend would say, Keep the Sweetz comin'" if that wasn't the exact words of my bff. :P
~Keep your head upon your shoulders,
Kitkat the Kittycat

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The legendary White Bull

Some of you may have heard a rumor about a myth known as The White Bull...
So telling you now, the white bull is not a myth! The white Bull is simply an uncommon creature found in the wild! Be honored to see it, for it is completely inspawnable! As proof that this myth does exist, I took a few photos!

 So  here is your proof! I may later upload a world containing the white bull. :)

~Keep your head upon your shoulders,
Kitkat the Kittycat

A couple world links of mine:

First off, please NEVER TAKE ANY of these links and claim that you own them!!!!! Thank you!!!!

1. My prison cell world (To be updated.)
2. Horse Stables (To be updated.)
3.C.K. School district display

More will come later! 

~Keep your head upon your shoulders,
Kitkat the Kittycat